To tell you the truth, I watched enough horror movies in my youth to still be pretty CREEPED OUT by human ghost stories and the idea of talking to ghosts.
Which is why I was so surprised during my animal communication training to realize that making contact with animals in-spirit just doesn’t carry the same heavy, freaky energy. I chalk it up to the fact that animals operate on a higher vibrational level than humans – we carry a lot more emotional baggage – so their soul-level energy is more light & pure.
Soooo, while the idea of connecting with a deceased pet, on surface, can still sound weird, I’ve learned through reading after reading that it’s AMAZING when animals that have passed come through in a reading – and it is a particularly wondrous privilege as an animal communicator to hear and impart the messages (and WISDOM) they love to share with their grieving humans.
I believe that animals have beautiful souls, just like people, so when they “die, they also transition to the spirit realm. And I’ve had many readings where animals-in-spirit (horses, cats, dogs and a fish) came right through and said and showed me things that had tremendous significance for their humans.
(Recently, a little Beta fish who had been dead for seven years told me he was grateful that his human had always worried about him being bored and placed his aquarium on a windowsill so he could watch the birds outside. She confirmed that she did, in fact, do exactly that.
You just can’t make this stuff up!
Here’s another fun story:
A recent grief-stricken client bought a beautiful cat-shaped urn for her beloved cat who had taken ill and had to be put down. The human was debilitated with grief and found herself moving the urn around her house, keeping it with her and crying incessantly.
She asked me to see how her cat felt about this, and when I connected, I heard that the cat was not only THRILLED by her human’s sweet tribute, she even wanted her to consider decorating it with “princess bling” — pink feather boas for ordinary days and tacky green necklaces for St. Patrick’s Day, etc.
The real point of this surprising message was the kitty’s reassurances of love & forgiveness, and her heartfelt message that she wanted her sad-sad-sad human to “turn the corner” as soon as possible & focus on celebrating the time they had together rather than crying over the physical end.
This playful, joyful communication is quite consistent with other messages I’ve received from animals “on the other side.”
So, next time you mist up while thinking of an animal who has passed, try imaging them wearing a pink feather boa and feeling gleeful & pain-free – because that seems to be the way of things on the other side of the rainbow bridge.
Ready to learn more about what your dog is thinking and why the cat does THAT?!?
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